To get better
Do you feel tired, digestive problems, mental fog and hormonal problems even with medication? Learn how to improve here.
Testimonials STT.mp4 from Judith González on Vimeo.
Conoce a Judith
Judith González Ham es una nutrióloga funcional, Naturópata Holística, e instructora de Thyroid Yoga que acompaña a personas con problemas de tiroides y hormonales a ir de agotadas y deprimidas a tener energia y entusiasmo por vivir.
Logró dejar los medicamentos 4 años después de poner en práctica lo que comparte desde hace 7 años de manera profesional. Ha acompañado procesos de recuperación a personas en 10 países a través del método de Sana tu tiroides y del Instituto de salud hormonal y tiroidea, que forma parte de la red de servicios asegurados de BNP Paribas y Scotiabank. Colaboró en dos consultorios médicos de ginecología y endocrinología y viendo las necesidades de las pacientes y su caso personal, creo Sana tu tiroides, una comunidad de más de 20 mil personas en redes sociales, y creó Orgullosamente Hormonal, un podcast que llega actualmente a 23 países a través de Spotify. Judith ha vivido en distintos países y actualmente está escribiendo su primer libro en Ciudad de Mexico.
We have collaborated with:
Orient yourself!
To make adjustments we have to understand what is happening.
Hormonal Balance
Risk of Hypothyroidism
Liver Toxicity
We think about you!
Because health goes beyond simple blood tests, the areas that Heal your thyroid supports are:
- Increase awareness of your hormonal and thyroid system
- Learn to eat according to your archetype without a stress mindset
- Learn to exercise, eat and organize according to your menstrual cycle
- Practical tools to lower levels of anxiety and depression
- Know what your priorities are and redirect your leadership
- Resignify your illness and see it as an opportunity to be reborn and edit your life
- Learn more about how your body works
In sessions 1-1:
- Finding the underlying reason for your illness in personal sessions
- Identify your archetype by understanding your personal story in sessions 1-1
My antibodies dropped more than 100 points compared to the analysis of 3 months ago applying the protocol the first 2 weeks. The tingling that I had all week I only had 3 days and I feel more energetic. I feel better! I like food and my morning routine makes me feel calm and active.
I have been in the program for just over a month and I am happy. I have been feeling much better in general and several of my symptoms have decreased, my thyroid and my eyes have started to go down in inflammation and my digestion has improved a lot. At first I thought I was going to struggle with food restrictions, but the truth is that it has only made me more creative and curious, I am really enjoying my new way of eating; Furthermore, this has allowed me to connect with my body, listen to it and feel it. I also had the session to connect with my leadership and it was wonderful, since that day I have felt more myself, fuller and more creative!
Cómo interpretar tus analíticas de la tiroides.
Whether you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the past or the diagnosis is new to you, it is essential that you understand thyroid tests so that you can later receive the diagnosis ...
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La albahaca: un superalimento
La albahaca santa es una planta originaria de la India, donde se cultiva desde hace casi 2.000 años. Los curanderos la llaman tulsi, la Reina de las Hierbas, la "Incomparable", y ocupa un lugar...
Mis recomendaciones probadas de productos que puedes encontrar en Amazon y que son Thyroid-friendly!
CASA ✅ Detergente sin aroma, rinde muchísimo, cuida la ropa y cuida la piel sensible -mi caso- , también es apto para bebés, no usan plástico, y es ecológico: Detergente Flor de Coco ✅ Lo...